Direct investments made from the P5 Health Ventures Fund

Messaging with a purpose

By using conversation with purpose, we enable a better care experience for patients and the providers


Movement Intelligence

Digitizing body movements for everyone. Our versatile sensors stream movements from multiple body segments – down to the muscle, joint and ligament levels – with lab-grade accuracy

Transforming patient follow up

Hawthorne Effect is an integrated technology platform that provides timely, accurate data from each follow-up visit. Using a modern study bag with the latest connected medical devices, their healthcare professionals collect all of the data and integrate it directly with their secure database platform. Their connected system reduces data entry errors and improves data completeness.

Babyscripts exists for one reason: better pregnancies

We began our journey in 2014 with the hope of transforming how both doctors and patients think of and ultimately use technology to improve their care

Integrated histology platform

Clarapath’s vision is to standardize and digitally transform the quality, safety and throughput of anatomic pathology.

Iterative Scopes

Computer vision tools for gastroenterologists

Iterative Scopes provides gastroenterologists with machine learning-powered diagnostic tools that help them prevent colon cancer and improve patient outcome.

Visualizing complex atrial arrhythmias to enable patient-specific treatments.

CoreMap exists to improve patient outcomes by delivering advanced diagnostic technology to electrophysiologists and patients. Our technologies will allow for patient specific treatments, because when treating the 24M patients with permanent and persistent AF ‘one size does not fit all’.

Software platform purpose-built

Bindle is a software platform purpose-built to help safely reopen societies and economies around the world by allowing people to easily and quickly display their COVID-19 health status whenever they go into a shared space


Exited companies